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Staffel Family and the Staffel Store - 334 S. Main, Boerne

Marker #12546 - 2001. German immigrant August Staffel arrived in Texas in 1852 and in due course made his way to Boerne, where he purchased property at this site in 1854. When Boerne was granted a postal station in 1856, Staffel served as first postmaster and housed the post office on his property. Staffel's other businesses included the Staffel store, stagecoach office, saloon, livery stable and wagon yard. After August's death in 1870, his wife, Bertha, operated the post office out of the Staffel store until 1881 and sold the property in 1905. In the rear with the stable was the stagecoach office.

Reminders of early economic development in Boerne, the Staffel store and the Staffel family played a significant role in that heritage.

The Staffel Building stands on Lot #30 of the divisions of the original survey No. 180 in the town of Boerne. On 27 April 1854 Gustav Theisen sold 1/2 interest in Lot #30 to August Staffel. Also on that date John James sold his half interest in Lot #30 to August Staffel. The property was bequeathed to his wife, Kunigunda Bertha Staffel, daughter of Joseph Dienger.

Mrs. Edna Miller, a widow, purchased the building in 1916. In 1936 its ownership went to Radcliff Spencer. In the latter half of the twentieth century, the building was occupied by Malner Shumard as a law office and title company. The property passed to the heirs of Mr. Radcliff Spencer. These two, Dorothy Spencer Traylor and George Spencer, obtained the Historical Marker in 2002 for the building known as the Staffel Building.

Photo Credit: Dietert Historical Archives -

Patrick Heath Public Library (Boerne)



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